View Javadoc
1   package org.sim0mq.demo.mm1;
3   import java.rmi.RemoteException;
5   import javax.naming.NamingException;
7   import org.djunits.unit.DurationUnit;
8   import org.djunits.value.vdouble.scalar.Duration;
9   import org.djutils.serialization.SerializationException;
10  import org.sim0mq.Sim0MQException;
11  import org.sim0mq.message.MessageStatus;
12  import org.sim0mq.message.MessageUtil;
13  import org.sim0mq.message.SimulationMessage;
14  import org.zeromq.SocketType;
15  import org.zeromq.ZContext;
16  import org.zeromq.ZMQ;
18  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.SimRuntimeException;
19  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.experiment.Replication;
20  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.experiment.ReplicationMode;
21  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.DEVSSimulator;
22  import nl.tudelft.simulation.dsol.simulators.DEVSSimulatorInterface;
24  /**
25   * <p>
26   * Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.
27   * <p>
28   * See for project information <a href=""></a>.
29   * <p>
30   * The DSOL project is distributed under a BSD-style license.<br>
31   * @version Aug 15, 2014 <br>
32   * @author <a href="">Alexander Verbraeck</a>
33   */
34  public class MM1Queue41Application
35  {
36      /** */
37      private DEVSSimulator.TimeDouble simulator;
39      /** */
40      private MM1Queue41Model model;
42      /** the socket. */
43      private ZMQ.Socket fsSocket;
45      /** the context. */
46      private ZContext fsContext;
48      /** federation run id. */
49      private Object federationRunId;
51      /** modelId unique Id of the model that is used as the sender/receiver when communicating. */
52      private String modelId;
54      /** runtime. */
55      private Duration runTime;
57      /** warmup. */
58      private Duration warmupTime;
60      /** message count. */
61      private long messageCount = 0;
63      /**
64       * Construct a console application.
65       * @param modelId unique Id of the model that is used as the sender/receiver when communicating
66       * @param port the sim0mq port number on which the model listens
67       * @throws SimRuntimeException on error
68       * @throws RemoteException on error
69       * @throws NamingException on error
70       * @throws Sim0MQException on error
71       * @throws SerializationException on serialization problem
72       */
73      protected MM1Queue41Application(final String modelId, final int port)
74              throws SimRuntimeException, RemoteException, NamingException, Sim0MQException, SerializationException
75      {
76          this.simulator = new DEVSSimulator.TimeDouble();
77          this.modelId = modelId.trim();
78          this.model = new MM1Queue41Model(this.simulator);
79          startListener(port);
80      }
82      /**
83       * Start listening on a port.
84       * @param port the sim0mq port number on which the model listens
85       * @throws Sim0MQException on error
86       * @throws SerializationException on serialization problem
87       */
88      protected void startListener(final int port) throws Sim0MQException, SerializationException
89      {
90          this.fsContext = new ZContext(1);
92          this.fsSocket = this.fsContext.createSocket(SocketType.ROUTER);
93          this.fsSocket.bind("tcp://*:" + port);
95          System.out.println("Model started. Listening at port: " + port);
96          System.out.flush();
98          while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
99          {
100             // Wait for next request from the client -- first the identity (String) and the delimiter (#0)
101             String identity = this.fsSocket.recvStr();
102             this.fsSocket.recvStr();
104             byte[] request = this.fsSocket.recv(0);
105             System.out.println(MessageUtil.printBytes(request));
106             Object[] fields = SimulationMessage.decode(request);
108             System.out.println("Received " + SimulationMessage.print(fields));
109             System.out.flush();
111             this.federationRunId = fields[1];
112             String senderId = fields[2].toString();
113             String receiverId = fields[3].toString();
114             String messageId = fields[4].toString();
115             long uniqueId = ((Long) fields[5]).longValue();
117             if (receiverId.equals(this.modelId))
118             {
119                 System.err.println("Received: " + messageId + ", payload = " + SimulationMessage.listPayload(fields));
120                 switch (messageId)
121                 {
122                     case "FS.1":
123                     case "FM.5":
124                         processRequestStatus(identity, senderId, uniqueId);
125                         break;
127                     case "FM.2":
128                         processSimRunControl(identity, senderId, uniqueId, fields);
129                         break;
131                     case "FM.3":
132                         processSetParameter(identity, senderId, uniqueId, fields);
133                         break;
135                     case "FM.4":
136                         processSimStart(identity, senderId, uniqueId);
137                         break;
139                     case "FM.6":
140                         processRequestStatistics(identity, senderId, uniqueId, fields);
141                         break;
143                     case "FS.3":
144                         processKillFederate();
145                         break;
147                     default:
148                         // wrong message
149                         System.err.println("Received unknown message -- not processed: " + messageId);
150                 }
151             }
152             else
153             {
154                 // wrong receiver
155                 System.err.println(
156                         "Received message not intended for " + this.modelId + " but for " + receiverId + " -- not processed: ");
157             }
158         }
159     }
161     /**
162      * Process FS.1 message and send MC.1 message back.
163      * @param identity reply id for REQ-ROUTER pattern
164      * @param receiverId the receiver of the response
165      * @param replyToMessageId the message to which this is the reply
166      * @throws Sim0MQException on error
167      * @throws SerializationException on serialization problem
168      */
169     private void processRequestStatus(final String identity, final String receiverId, final long replyToMessageId)
170             throws Sim0MQException, SerializationException
171     {
172         String status = "started";
173         if (this.simulator.isRunning())
174         {
175             status = "running";
176         }
177         else if (this.simulator.getSimulatorTime() != null && this.simulator.getReplication() != null
178                 && this.simulator.getReplication().getTreatment() != null)
179         {
180             if (this.simulator.getSimulatorTime() >= this.simulator.getReplication().getTreatment().getEndTime())
181             {
182                 status = "ended";
183             }
184             else
185             {
186                 status = "error";
187             }
188         }
189         this.fsSocket.sendMore(identity);
190         this.fsSocket.sendMore("");
191         byte[] mc1Message = SimulationMessage.encodeUTF8(this.federationRunId, this.modelId, receiverId, "MC.1",
192                 ++this.messageCount, MessageStatus.NEW, replyToMessageId, status, "");
193         this.fsSocket.send(mc1Message, 0);
195         System.out.println("Sent MC.1");
196         System.out.flush();
197     }
199     /**
200      * Process FM.2 message and send MC.2 message back.
201      * @param identity reply id for REQ-ROUTER pattern
202      * @param receiverId the receiver of the response
203      * @param replyToMessageId the message to which this is the reply
204      * @param fields the message
205      * @throws Sim0MQException on error
206      * @throws SerializationException on serialization problem
207      */
208     private void processSimRunControl(final String identity, final String receiverId, final long replyToMessageId,
209             final Object[] fields) throws Sim0MQException, SerializationException
210     {
211         boolean status = true;
212         String error = "";
213         try
214         {
215             Object runTimeField = fields[8];
216             if (runTimeField instanceof Number)
217             {
218                 this.runTime = new Duration(((Number) fields[8]).doubleValue(), DurationUnit.SI);
219             }
220             else if (runTimeField instanceof Duration)
221             {
222                 this.runTime = (Duration) runTimeField;
223             }
224             else
225             {
226                 throw new Sim0MQException("runTimeField " + runTimeField + " neither Number nor Duration");
227             }
229             Object warmupField = fields[8];
230             if (warmupField instanceof Number)
231             {
232                 this.warmupTime = new Duration(((Number) fields[9]).doubleValue(), DurationUnit.SI);
233             }
234             else if (warmupField instanceof Duration)
235             {
236                 this.warmupTime = (Duration) warmupField;
237             }
238             else
239             {
240                 throw new Sim0MQException("warmupField " + warmupField + " neither Number nor Duration");
241             }
242         }
243         catch (Exception e)
244         {
245             status = false;
246             error = e.getMessage();
247         }
248         byte[] mc2Message = SimulationMessage.encodeUTF8(this.federationRunId, this.modelId, receiverId, "MC.2",
249                 ++this.messageCount, MessageStatus.NEW, replyToMessageId, status, error);
250         this.fsSocket.sendMore(identity);
251         this.fsSocket.sendMore("");
252         this.fsSocket.send(mc2Message, 0);
254         System.out.println("Sent MC.2");
255         System.out.flush();
256     }
258     /**
259      * Process FM.3 message and send MC.2 message back.
260      * @param identity reply id for REQ-ROUTER pattern
261      * @param receiverId the receiver of the response
262      * @param replyToMessageId the message to which this is the reply
263      * @throws Sim0MQException on error
264      * @throws SerializationException on serialization problem
265      */
266     private void processSimStart(final String identity, final String receiverId, final long replyToMessageId)
267             throws Sim0MQException, SerializationException
268     {
269         boolean status = true;
270         String error = "";
271         try
272         {
273             Replication.TimeDouble<DEVSSimulatorInterface.TimeDouble> replication =
274                     Replication.TimeDouble.create("rep1", 0.0,,, this.model);
275             this.simulator.initialize(replication, ReplicationMode.TERMINATING);
276             this.simulator.scheduleEventAbs(100.0, this, this, "terminate", null);
278             this.simulator.start();
279         }
280         catch (Exception e)
281         {
282             status = false;
283             error = e.getMessage();
284         }
286         byte[] mc2Message = SimulationMessage.encodeUTF8(this.federationRunId, this.modelId, receiverId, "MC.2",
287                 ++this.messageCount, MessageStatus.NEW, replyToMessageId, status, error);
288         this.fsSocket.sendMore(identity);
289         this.fsSocket.sendMore("");
290         this.fsSocket.send(mc2Message, 0);
292         System.out.println("Sent MC.2");
293         System.out.flush();
294     }
296     /**
297      * Process FM.4 message and send MC.2 message back.
298      * @param identity reply id for REQ-ROUTER pattern
299      * @param receiverId the receiver of the response
300      * @param replyToMessageId the message to which this is the reply
301      * @param fields the message
302      * @throws Sim0MQException on error
303      * @throws SerializationException on serialization problem
304      */
305     private void processSetParameter(final String identity, final String receiverId, final long replyToMessageId,
306             final Object[] fields) throws Sim0MQException, SerializationException
307     {
308         boolean status = true;
309         String error = "";
310         try
311         {
312             String parameterName = fields[8].toString();
313             Object parameterValueField = fields[9];
315             switch (parameterName)
316             {
317                 case "seed":
318                     this.model.seed = ((Number) parameterValueField).longValue();
319                     break;
321                 case "iat":
322                     this.model.iat = ((Number) parameterValueField).doubleValue();
323                     break;
325                 case "servicetime":
326                     this.model.serviceTime = ((Number) parameterValueField).doubleValue();
327                     break;
329                 default:
330                     status = false;
331                     error = "Parameter " + parameterName + " unknown";
332                     break;
333             }
334         }
335         catch (Exception e)
336         {
337             status = false;
338             error = e.getMessage();
339         }
341         byte[] mc2Message = SimulationMessage.encodeUTF8(this.federationRunId, this.modelId, receiverId, "MC.2",
342                 ++this.messageCount, MessageStatus.NEW, replyToMessageId, status, error);
343         this.fsSocket.sendMore(identity);
344         this.fsSocket.sendMore("");
345         this.fsSocket.send(mc2Message, 0);
347         System.out.println("Sent MC.2");
348         System.out.flush();
349     }
351     /**
352      * Process FM.5 message and send MC.3 or MC.4 message back.
353      * @param identity reply id for REQ-ROUTER pattern
354      * @param receiverId the receiver of the response
355      * @param replyToMessageId the message to which this is the reply
356      * @param fields the message
357      * @throws Sim0MQException on error
358      * @throws SerializationException on serialization problem
359      */
360     private void processRequestStatistics(final String identity, final String receiverId, final long replyToMessageId,
361             final Object[] fields) throws Sim0MQException, SerializationException
362     {
363         boolean ok = true;
364         String error = "";
365         String variableName = fields[8].toString();
366         double variableValue = Double.NaN;
367         try
368         {
369             switch (variableName)
370             {
371                 case "dN.average":
372                     variableValue = this.model.dN.getSampleMean();
373                     break;
375                 case "uN.average":
376                     variableValue = this.model.uN.getSampleMean();
377                     break;
379                 case "qN.max":
380                     variableValue = this.model.qN.getMax();
381                     break;
383                 default:
384                     ok = false;
385                     error = "Parameter " + variableName + " unknown";
386                     break;
387             }
388         }
389         catch (Exception e)
390         {
391             ok = false;
392             error = e.getMessage();
393         }
395         if (Double.isNaN(variableValue))
396         {
397             ok = false;
398             error = "Parameter " + variableName + " not set to a value";
399         }
401         if (ok)
402         {
403             byte[] mc3Message = SimulationMessage.encodeUTF8(this.federationRunId, this.modelId, receiverId, "MC.3",
404                     ++this.messageCount, MessageStatus.NEW, replyToMessageId, variableName, variableValue);
405             this.fsSocket.sendMore(identity);
406             this.fsSocket.sendMore("");
407             this.fsSocket.send(mc3Message, 0);
409             System.out.println("Sent MC.3");
410             System.out.flush();
411         }
412         else
413         {
414             byte[] mc4Message = SimulationMessage.encodeUTF8(this.federationRunId, this.modelId, receiverId, "MC.4",
415                     ++this.messageCount, MessageStatus.NEW, replyToMessageId, ok, error);
416             this.fsSocket.sendMore(identity);
417             this.fsSocket.sendMore("");
418             this.fsSocket.send(mc4Message, 0);
420             System.out.println("Sent MC.4");
421             System.out.flush();
422         }
423     }
425     /**
426      * Process FS.3 message.
427      */
428     private void processKillFederate()
429     {
430         this.fsSocket.close();
431         this.fsContext.destroy();
432         this.fsContext.close();
433         System.exit(0);
434     }
436     /** stop the simulation. */
437     protected final void terminate()
438     {
439         System.out.println("average queue length = " + this.model.qN.getSampleMean());
440         System.out.println("average queue wait   = " + this.model.dN.getSampleMean());
441         System.out.println("average utilization  = " + this.model.uN.getSampleMean());
442     }
444     /**
445      * @param args can be left empty
446      * @throws SimRuntimeException on error
447      * @throws RemoteException on error
448      * @throws NamingException on error
449      * @throws Sim0MQException on error
450      * @throws SerializationException on serialization problem
451      */
452     public static void main(final String[] args)
453             throws SimRuntimeException, RemoteException, NamingException, Sim0MQException, SerializationException
454     {
455         if (args.length < 2)
456         {
457             System.err.println("Use as MM1Queue41Application modelId sim0mqPortNumber");
458             System.exit(-1);
459         }
461         String modelId = args[0];
463         String sPort = args[1];
464         int port = 0;
465         try
466         {
467             port = Integer.parseInt(sPort);
468         }
469         catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
470         {
471             System.err.println("Use as FederateStarter portNumber, where portNumber is a number");
472             System.exit(-1);
473         }
474         if (port == 0 || port > 65535)
475         {
476             System.err.println("PortNumber should be between 1 and 65535");
477             System.exit(-1);
478         }
480         new MM1Queue41Application(modelId, port);
481     }
483 }