Changes Report

Release History

Version Date Description
2.00.04 2020-08-22 djunits, djutils, dsol update
2.00.03 2020-08-10 djutils, dsol update
2.00.02 2020-02-10 djutils, dsol, jeromq update
2.00.01 2019-11-08 Java 9+
2.00.00 2019-10-28 V2 of Sim0MQ with message classes and heartbeat
1.01.01 2019-07-12 First version of FederateStarter unit test
1.01.00 2019-07-11 Complete messages; Unit tests
1.00.00 2019-07-04 Serializing / deserializing moved to djutils-serialization project
0.05.00 2018-08-11 Coding / decoding finished
0.04.00 2018-08-09 Coding / decoding improved
0.03.00 2018-08-07 Multithreading. New version of jeromq; ZContext instead of ZMQ.Context
0.02.00 2017-05-01 DJUNITS and Money type updates
0.01.00 2017-04-22 First version of the Sim0MQ Simulation Message Bus

Release 2.00.04 – 2020-08-22

Type Changes By
Update Changed djutils version to 1.05.04, djunits to 4.01.06, and dsol version for the demos to 3.04.10. The default compiler to use is OpenJDK-11, but with Java 8 compatibility. averbraeck

Release 2.00.03 – 2020-08-10

Type Changes By
Update Changed djutils version to 1.05.03, and dsol version for the demos to 3.04.08. averbraeck
Fix Compatibility with latest dsol version caused a few small changes in the sim0mq-demo project, e.g. the change of Simulator.isRunning() to Simulator.isStartedOrRunning() and the WeightedSampleMean() method for time weighted statistics. averbraeck

Release 2.00.02 – 2020-02-10

Type Changes By
Update Changed versions of djunits, djutils, jeromq and dsol to the latest version. averbraeck
Fix Compatibility with latest dsol version caused a few small changes, especially in the sim0mq-demo project. averbraeck
Update Copyright notices to 2020. averbraeck

Release 2.00.01 – 2019-11-08

Type Changes By
Update Changed versions of djunits, djutils and dsol to the latest version to be compatible with Java 9+. averbraeck
Fix Ensured that "package-list" exists in apidocs for backward compatibility of javadoc linking. averbraeck

Release 2.00.00 – 2019-10-28

Type Changes By
Add Added separate classes for each message to make construction and information gathering more straightforward. averbraeck
Fix Fixed numerous small errors in FederateServer and demo classes after tightening the checks. averbraeck
Add Added Heartbeat messages HB.1 (Heartbeat) and HB.2 (Alive). averbraeck
Add Added reference implementation for processing Heartbeat messages. In order to allow to send/receive heartbeat messages between the other messages, the way that answers are received in the Java code had to be changed. The state machine of the different federates now has to allow for HB-messages to be sent and received between all other messages. averbraeck
Add Added reference implementation for the state machine of a Federation Manager. averbraeck
Add Added reference implementation for the state machine of a Model Controller. averbraeck
Add Changed the MM1FederationManager20 example in sim0mq-demo to work with an arbitrary folder that contains the model on the server where the FederateStarter is present. averbraeck

Release 1.01.01 – 2019-07-12

Type Changes By
Add A first unit test for the reference implementation of the FederateStarter has been added. This test communicates using port 5500 to the FederateStarter. averbraeck

Release 1.01.00 – 2019-07-11

Type Changes By
Update For reproducibility: HashMap replaced by LinkedHashMap; HashSet replaced by LinkedHashSet. averbraeck
Add Unit tests for FM, FS, MC messages implemented (and a number of errors resolved). averbraeck
Update NumberDuration and NumberTime made more precise in terms of which object they represent. averbraeck

Release 1.00.00 – 2019-07-04

Type Changes By
Update Changes made to update deprecated methods in jeromq 0.5.1. averbraeck
Update Since (de)serialization is more generic than just sim0mq, the classes to do (de)serialization have been moved to a separate project called djutils-serialization. See for more information. averbraeck

Release 0.05.00 – 2018-08-11

Type Changes By
Fix Finalized coding / decoding for all types in the TypedMessage. averbraeck
Update Update for DJUNITS version 3.00.07 to use instantiation helper classes. averbraeck

Release 0.04.00 – 2018-08-09

Type Changes By
Fix Increased coding / decoding for more types in the TypedMessage. averbraeck

Release 0.03.00 – 2018-08-07

Type Changes By
Fix Message loss in case of multi-threading repaired. averbraeck
Add Several examples added in demo package to test multi-threading. averbraeck
Update Used ZContext wrapper instead of ZMQ.Context. averbraeck
Fix Included most types in the TypedMessage for coding and decoding. averbraeck
Add Allowed for UTF8 or UTF16 encoding of messages. averbraeck
Update Update for DJUNITS version 3.00.05. averbraeck
Update Update for jeromq version 0.4.3. averbraeck

Release 0.02.00 – 2017-05-01

Type Changes By
Update Units and DisplayUnits adapted to the changes in DJUNITS version 3.00.01. averbraeck
Update Two bytes used for the Money type as 255 is too low, and cannot store the standard currency id codes. averbraeck

Release 0.01.00 – 2017-04-22

Type Changes By
Add First version of type structure and message structure. averbraeck
Add First version of the major messages of the Federation Manager, Federate Starter and Model. averbraeck
Add First version of the abstract versions of Federation Manager, as well as model implementations of the Federate Starter and Model. averbraeck