Class MM1Queue41Model

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, DSOLModel<Double,​Double,​SimTimeDouble,​DEVSSimulatorInterface.TimeDouble>, DSOLModel.TimeDouble<DEVSSimulatorInterface.TimeDouble>, EventProducerInterface

public class MM1Queue41Model
extends AbstractDSOLModel.TimeDouble<DEVSSimulatorInterface.TimeDouble>
The M/M/1 example as published in Simulation Modeling and Analysis by A.M. Law & W.D. Kelton section 1.4 and 2.4.

(c) copyright 2015-2020 Delft University of Technology , the Netherlands.
See for project information
License of use: Lesser General Public License (LGPL) , no warranty.

2.0 21.09.2003
Peter Jacobs
See Also:
Serialized Form